Website Accessibility Accessibility strives to offer a website that is easily accessible to all users, regardless of their unique needs. On this page, you can learn more about the accessibility features of the website, including how to customize its appearance and some helpful advice for users of screen readers.

1. Using the site has been designed with inclusivity in mind, catering to users with sight, audio, and motor impairments: - Our text utilizes a web font for effortless reading - We implement proper alt tags for images to relay information - Navigation throughout our websites is consistent and predictable - We refrain from solely relying on colour for information conveyance - We try to avoid using images of text wherever possible and provide text links equivalent to images

To modify the text size on the site

- To enlarge the text, use CTRL + - To shrink the text, use CTRL - - To restore the original size, use CTRL 0 (zero)

To alter font and colour on the site

To learn how to change the font and colour settings, please refer to your browser's help page. Accessing this page can usually be done by pressing F1. Depending on your browser, the help page can be found under a tab at the top of the screen, represented by a tool symbol or a cog in the top right-hand corner, or in a dropdown menu from the main browser tab.

To adjust the size of the site window

To expand your window (i.e., enter full-screen mode), press F11. To exit full-screen mode, press F11 once more.

To change the colour of links displayed on the screen

To learn how to alter the colour of links, please refer to your browser's help page, accessible by pressing F1. Depending on your browser, the help page can be found under a tab at the top of the screen, represented by a symbol or a cog in the top right-hand corner, or in a dropdown menu from the main browser tab.

2. Where to start

You can begin by visiting our category pages. Below are our primary categories:
  • Grocery
  • Fresh Food
  • Mobiles
  • Electronics
  • Home & Living
  • Fashion

3. Search tips

Each page features a search box at the top. For optimal results, use keywords, as the search function is not designed for natural language queries. Using quotation marks will help you search for an exact phrase - for instance, "LG HD TV".

4. Contact us

Should you encounter any issues while accessing the site or have any comments, feel free to reach us at

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